Final project

Course participant for his/her final project can choose a project from the list of two projects outlined below. In other words, choose Final Project 1 or Final Project 2.

Final Project 1

Project description

Exposes students to the process of conducting independent research in empirical economics and effectively communicating the results of the research. Emphasizes econometric analysis of an assigned economic question and culminates in each student choosing an original topic, performing appropriate analysis, and delivering oral and written project reports. Main purpose of the project is to get your graphs, summary tables and regression table.

Project requirenments

Your project format should strictly follow the format outlined in the following overleaf file. Any digression from the format could potentially result in the final grade.

All computations and vizualizations that are shown in your project, should have refence code in Kaggle notebook. Your project should include at least 20 graphs and 5 tables and 3 group_by tables. All graphs and tables should be clearly organized and labeled. Your project code should include at least three custom written functions.

Project must be completed individually.

Data source

For data source you are only allowed to use Life in Kyrgyzstan 2016 wave. Work done with any other data source will not be reviewed, hence course participant will recieve Fail mark for the course.


To submit your final project, course participant need to provide links to the

  • Overleaf Latex file
  • Kaggle notebook
  • Final project .pdf file
  • Stack of slides(ballpark 5 slides)

in the google sheet.

In-class presentation

In-class presentation will be held on 12th, 17th and 19th May. Course participants can find their respecive day for presentation in the google sheet under the tab in-class presentations.

Course participants presentation should last no more than 7 minutes with 3 minutes allocated for questions. Presentation will be primarily graded on clarity and organization.

The order of presenters are strict, if the course participant miss the day of presentation he/she will get 0 mark for presentation. Presentation can be organized in the following way:

  1. Introduction
    • Motivation ("why we care")
    • Research question
    • Concisely state your main finding
    • Brief summary of contribution relative to existing literature
    • Should be less than 2 minutes
  2. Data
  3. Empirical methods
  4. Main results
  5. Discussion/conclusions/limitations


Grading for the final project will be graded on the quality of

  • Written project
  • Kaggle Notebook
  • In-class presentation


Deadline is the first day of final week of Spring semester 2022. Late submissions will penalized by factor 0.3.


Plagiarism threshold for your project is 20%. Course participant's work will not be reviewed if his/her plagiarism percentage higher 20% threshold. Course participant can reference his/her work for plagiarism percentage at the Antiplagiat Platform.


Final Project 2

Make an analysis using Kaggle Notebook with anydataset you want. Your project should include at least 15 graphs, 3 group_by tables and 1 regression table. All graphs and tables should be clearly organized and labeled. All graphs should have clear and understable labels, titles and legends.


To submit your final project, course participant need to provide links to the

  • Kaggle notebook

in the google sheet.

In-class presentation

In-class presentation will be held on 12th, 17th and 19th May. Course participants can find their respecive day for presentation in the google sheet under the tab in-class presentations.

Course participants presentation should last no more than 7 minutes with 3 minutes allocated for questions. Presentation will be primarily graded on clarity and organization.

The order of presenters are strict, if the course participant miss the day of presentation he/she will get 0 mark for presentation. Presentation can be organized in the following way:

  1. Introduction
    • Motivation ("why we care")
    • Research question
    • Concisely state your main finding
    • Brief summary of contribution relative to existing literature
    • Should be less than 2 minutes
  2. Data
  3. Empirical methods
  4. Main results
  5. Discussion/conclusions/limitations


Grading for the final project will be graded on the quality of

  • Kaggle Notebook
  • In-class presentation


Deadline is the first day of final week of Spring semester 2022. Late submissions will penalized by factor 0.3.