Calculated Field
Function | Purpose | Example |
LEFT (string, number) | Returns the leftmost or rightmost number of characters within a string | LEFT([Postal Code], 2) returns "98" if the [Postal Code] is "98103". RIGHT ([Postal Code], 2) returns "03" if the [Postal Code] is "98103". |
SPLIT (string, delimiter, token number) | Returns a substring from a string, using a delimiter to divide the string into substrings and then using the token to determine which substring to return. | SPLIT([Phone], "-", 2) returns "633" if the value of [Phone] is "206-633-3400" since "633" is the 2nd token substring delimited by a hyphen. |
CONTAINS (string, substring) | Returns true if the given string contains the specified substring; otherwise returns false. | CONTAINS([Product Name], "Phone") returns true if [Product Name] is "Apple iPhone" and false if [Product Name] is "Apple iPad". |
REPLACE (string, substring, replacement) | Searches string for substring and replaces it with replacement. If substring is not found, the string is not changed. | REPLACE ([Item], "V2", "V3") replaces the "V2" substring with "V3" in all relevant rows in the [Item] string. |
UPPER (string), LOWER (string) | Updates the string to uppercase or lowercase characters | UPPER ([Airport Code]) returns all uppercase characters for all rows in the [Airport Code] string. |
TRIM (string) | Returns the string with leading and trailing spaces removed. | TRIM ([Location]) returns the string with leading and trailing spaces removed for all rows in the [Location] string. |